Big Island Tents offered three different styles of Tent Leg Draping:
White Leg Covers
Thin White Leg Drapes
Wide White Leg Drapes
Sheer White Post-Draping and Farm Tables at Kahua Ranch for wedding with Swept Away Events.
30x pole tent with white leg covers and market lighting for a wedding at Hulihee Palace.
White Wide Sheer Fabric Leg Draping in a Clear Tent
Thin White Leg Drapes with Partial Sheer White Fabric Draping
20x Marquee Tent with white Wide Leg Drapes for a wedding at Fairmont Orchid.
40x clear tent with thin white leg drapes, dark wood farm tables, dark wood padded folding chairs, and bistro lighting for wedding at Mauna Kea beach south point lawn. Coordinated by Bliss in Bloom